ZigaForm version 7.4.9

How To Install a Big Air Sky Light Roof Vent on a Shipping Container

Channing McCorriston, The Container Guy will show you how to install a Big Air Sky Light Roof Vent on a Shipping Container.

We like these skylight vents because it ventilates your sea can and provides excellent light inside the container. It’s perfect for providing much-needed light at the back end of a 40’ shipping container.

Passive ventilation requires both an intake vent and an exhaust vent, so use at least two skylight vents or combine one skylight vent with two Big Air 45 vents.

Products Installed:

Big Air Sky Light Roof Vent

Buy on Amazon.ca

Buy on Amazon.com


Big Air 45 

Order with Bug Screen Attachments on Amazon.ca – Click Here!

Order with Bug Screen Attachments on Amazon.com – Click Here!


If you want to start your own container modification, go to our Mod Planner Tool, PlanMyCan.com

For more information on The Container Guy, go to www.tcg.ca